Growers Network Staff

May 1, 2018 3 min read
May 1, 2018
3 min read

California State Fees

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In this informative listicle, Central Coast Cannabis enumerates the different fees you may experience when establishing a cannabusiness in California. If you want to learn how to register your business in California, check out the article on it.

Brett Furst with his daughter.

The following is an article produced by a contributing author. Growers Network does not endorse nor evaluate the claims of our contributors, nor do they influence our editorial process. We thank our contributors for their time and effort so we can continue our exclusive Growers Spotlight service.

Application Fee for Cultivation

Type Size Delineation Application Fee (USD)
Outdoors Cultivation Specialty Cottage $135
Outdoors Cultivation Specialty $270
Outdoors Cultivation Small $535
Outdoors Cultivation Medium $1,555
Indoors Cultivation Specialty Cottage $205
Indoors Cultivation Specialty $2,170
Indoors Cultivation Small $3,935
Indoors Cultivation Medium $8,655
Mixed Lights Tier 1 - Specialty Cottage $340
Mixed Lights Tier 1 - Specialty $655
Mixed Lights Tier 1 - Small $1,310
Mixed Lights Tier 1 - Medium $2,885
Mixed Lights Tier 2 - Specialty Cottage $580
Mixed Lights Tier 2 - Specialty $1,125
Mixed Lights Tier 2 - Small $2,250
Mixed Lights Tier 2 - Medium $4,945
Nursery   $520
Processor   $1,040

Annual License Fee: Cultivation

Type Size Delineation Annual License Fee (USD)
Outdoors Cultivation Specialty Cottage $1,205
Outdoors Cultivation Specialty $2,410
Outdoors Cultivation Small $4,820
Outdoors Cultivation Medium $13,990
Indoors Cultivation Specialty Cottage $1,830
Indoors Cultivation Specialty $19,540
Indoors Cultivation Small $35,410
Indoors Cultivation Medium $77,905
Mixed Lights Tier 1 - Specialty Cottage $3,035
Mixed Lights Tier 1 - Specialty $5,900
Mixed Lights Tier 1 - Small $11,800
Mixed Lights Tier 1 - Medium $25,970
Mixed Lights Tier 2 - Specialty Cottage $5,200
Mixed Lights Tier 2 - Specialty $10,120
Mixed Lights Tier 2 - Small $20,235
Mixed Lights Tier 2 - Medium $44,517
Nursery   $4,685
Processor   $9,370

Business License Application Fee

  1. $1000

Annual License Fee: Non-Cultivation

Tier Annual Revenue (USD) Fee (USD)
Up to $100,000 $2,000
$100,001 - $500,000 $7,500
$500,001 - $1,500,000 $15,000
$1,500,001 - $3,000,000 $25,000
$3,000,001 - $5,000,000 $35,000
$5,000,001 - $10,000,000 $50,000
$10,000,001 and above $75,000

Local government fees vary by city and county. Please reach out to Central Coast Cannabis for a more detailed project proposal that accounts for local fees.

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  • Want to get in touch with Brett? They can be reached via the following methods:
    1. Website:
    2. Email:
    3. Phone: (831)521-2855

  • Do you have any questions or comments?

    Feel free to post below!

    About the Author

    Brett Furst has over 10 years of experience covering all aspects of the industry, including cultivation, manufacturing, consumables, retail, and more. He has also worked as a teacher for 5 years allowing him to educate prospective clients in a way that helps them retain the information.

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