Have a family member or friend who loves cannabis, but no ideas what gifts to get them for the holidays?
6 of the Best Cannabis Gift Ideas below help cannabis growers/enthusiasts complete complex tasks + 4 smaller gift ideas for stocking stuffers!

1. For Home Growers Who Trims Cannabis | Common Culture Trim Tray ($50)

The Trim Tray by Common Culture is among the top gifts for cannabis growers being designed by the staff at Growers House/CannaCribs to collect cannabis kief (resin that contains active compounds) from harvested flower buds, as well as discarded cannabis parts with high amounts of kief (sugar leaves, shake) in a manner that’s optimizes simplicity plus speed of the process.
Sugar leaves/shake are vigorously sifted to harvest as much kief as possible before discarding. The cannabis buds themselves can be used to remove excess kief and make them easier to transport too.
Some features incorporated by the Trim Tray include no exposed rivets that gunk up, a brush to collect the kief, smooth bottom allowing it to glide along surfaces or laps, ability to add 8 foam pads to the bottom to make it non-slip. The Common Culture Trim Tray comes with bottom catch tray, top tray with 150 micron screen, a kief brush and wallet microscope.
2. For Cannabis Enthusiast Looking to Infuse Their Own Edibles | Magical Butter Machine ($175)

The Magical Butter Machine is the best cannabis gift idea for edible lovers designed to make extracting, activating & mixing the THC, CBD plus other cannabinoids from cannabis crop, into delicious marijuana edibles/infusions easier than ever before! It’s the most flexible solution for people who prefer other forms of marijuana to smoking/vaping with the ability to create all kinds of recipes including butters, soups, tinctures, salves, oils, lotions and more!
Magical Butter created a tool that turns a complicated and confusing process into an easy and user friendly process. Making it an ease to integrate botanicals into your lifestyle! Magical Butter uses an exclusive microprocessor technology that ensures pinpoint accuracy. All From Your Countertop.
Combines an immersion blender with a digital thermostat and heating unit. The MB grinds, heats, stirs, and steeps herbal extracts, all at the correct time intervals and temperature to achieve desired infusion easily, safely, and consistently.
3. For Indoor Cannabis Growers Using HPS or LED Lights | Method Seven Grow Room Glasses (LED) -OR- (HPS)

The Method Seven Operator LED/HPS grow room glasses are another fantastic gift for cannabis growers designed to be used by growers who utilize artificial grow lights within an indoor grow room. Best glasses for protecting eyes from harmful wavelengths making viewing plants easier than ever before. Spot inconstancies in the appearance of the crops due to disease, pests, or growth deficiencies/issues.
(LED) LIGHT SPECIFIC – The Method Seven Operator LED glasses are optimized for LED lights of all kinds including – Black Dog, Solar Storm, LumiGrow, Apache Tech, Kessil, Advanced LED, Kind LED, and more. Manufactured to exacting standards and optical clarity by Carl Zeiss color balance, the most popular commercial LED grow lights.
(HPS) LIGHT SPECIFIC – Reduce eyestrain, UV ray penetration as well as improve visual experience with exceptional color balancing for HPS lighting with proprietary lenses manufactured to exacting standards by Carl Zeiss Vision. Method Seven silver plus lens coating makes the Operator HPS Plus a good choice for outdoors too.
4. For Discrete Cannabis Transport | Revelry Carbon Lined Smell Proof Bags

The Revelry Carbon Bag Series is the best cannabis gift idea for individuals who need to transport cannabis + related tools. A high-end line of odor absorbing, water resistant, bags that are available in a range of sizes with a variety of features. From small single pocket bags, for carrying an ounce of cannabis for personal use, to rolltop backpacks | duffle bags, for transporting several pounds of cannabis between facilities for commercial purposes.
What sets these bags apart is their ability to encapsulate odors, preventing their escape, and to protect against water damage. The key to their high functionality is the custom system of layers used in each bag. The outermost layer is a rubber-backed nylon. Working your way into the bag, there is a Dual Carbon Filter. These layers work together to filter out any unwanted odors. Finally, a soft cotton lining helps protect the longevity of the Dual Carbon Filter. The final feature that sets these bags apart is the quality materials; all bags have rubber-coated zippers, genuine leather accents, and metal hardware.
Features Shared Bags – Water Resistant | Carbon Filter Odor System | Rubber-Backed Nylon | Custom Protective Lining | Waterproof Zipper | Velcro Zipper Covering | Lockable
Below is a List of All Revelry Carbon Bags Available at GrowersHouse from Smallest to Largest:

Confidant Small Bag – Smallest Bag Option, a Single Pocket Bag for Transporting Small Amounts of Marijuana Up to an Ounce.

Stowaway Toiletry Kit – Multi-Pocket Bag for Transporting Small Amounts of Marijuana Up to (2 Ounces). Holding Supplies such as ID Cards, Test Strips/Small Kits, Eye Loupe, ect.

Backpacks – Escort | Drifter Rolltop – Backpacks have Multiple Pockets for Transporting Up to (1 LBS) of Marijuana in Addition to a Laptop. Has space for other gear and supplies such as Sensors, Water/Crop Test Kits. Rolltop backpack has additional space transporting (23 L) Volume.

Duffle Bags – Overnighter (Sm) | Around Towner (Med) | Continental (Lg) – The largest of the options provided by Revelry Carbon providing a volume of space ranging from (28 to 130 L). Best option for commercial transportation of cannabis buds.
5. For Cannabis Crop Inspectors & Researchers | Growers Edge Iluminated LED Microscope

Wonderful cannabis gift idea for growers the Lighted (40x) Magnifying Loupe makes it easy to see whats going on in the small world of leaves. Great tool for identification of tiny pests and specific infestations (fungal, bacterial).
- Powerful 40x lens.
- Unique, compact folding design with durable casing.
- Excellent illumination on specimen provided by two 6500k LEDβs.
- Can be used to identify plants, and potential garden pests
- On/off switch for the two LED lights.
- Batteries included.
- Durable plastic case keeps it protected in your pocket and workspace.
6. For Hydroponic Based Cannabis Specialists | Bluelab pH Pen -OR- Bluelab EC (PPM) Pen

The Bluelab pH and EC (PPM) Pens are two more great gifts for cannabis growers that enables the measurement of the most vital parameters (pH and Electrical Conductivity) which change regularly over time within a hydroponic system. pH is a measurement used to determine the total levels of acids and bases within the nutrient solution. EC is a measurement of the electrical conductivity of the nutrient solution which is influenced by # cations (+ charged molecules) and anions (- charged molecules) in the solution.
The Bluelab pH and EC (PPM) Pens are the most ergonomic and easy to use pens available for hydroponics and indoor gardening. Completely waterproof and has one button push calibration meaning no more hard to follow instructions to make sure your meter is accurate.

– Trimming Scissors (most well respected trimming brand in the industry used to harvest and trim cannabis buds | Japanese made)

– Boveda Packs (keep harvested marijuana flower from drying out by maintaining an ideal relative humidity of 62% in storage containers)

– Ratchet Light Hangers (adjust your cannabis grow light height up and down up to 6-ft with just one hand)

– Green Headlamp (check on marijuana plants when grow LED/HPS are off without disturbing their light-cycle)
Thank you for checking out our “Best Gift Ideas for Cannabis Growers (2020)” post and be sure to check out more incredibly useful gear and products on our website – www.growershouse.com